Wednesday 29 April 2009

Success University, will be merging into the fastest growing travel network marketing company, WorldVentures!
I'm excited to announce that in June, the fastest growing personal development network marketing company, Success University, will be merging into the fastest growing travel network marketing company, WorldVentures!

To get an idea of the incredible size of the travel industry, WATCH THIS VIDEO! is perhaps the single greatest recruiting video EVER produced in the network marketing industry!

If you're anything like me and the hundreds of other Success University members who have seen it, you're BLOWN AWAY at the magnitude of the opportunity we now have in our hands by becoming part of the WorldVentures family.

Please keep in mind, we will CONTINUE our exact same learning center that you're currently paying $49.95 per month for, but you'll be receiving ANOTHER $50 per month in value with WorldVentures product offering for the SAME PRICE!

WorldVentures has enrolled 100,000 members that have paid anywhere from $350 to $500 for these products that you'll be receiving FREE because of your enrollment in Success University!

Not only will YOU receive $350 in products for FREE in June, anyone you enroll before June 1st will receive $350 in products for only the cost of our Success University enrollment of $149.95. That's a $200 SAVINGS!

If you're like the members we've presented this to in Atlanta and London, you'll want to massively build your business through May because anyone you enroll will save $200!

If all of this isn't enough to get you to lose sleep tonight because of excitement, I've decided to give you one more HUGE benefit.

Have you enrolled anyone in Success University who has gone in-active?

If so, as you probably know, once they have been in-active for 90 days, they lose the ability to re-activate their account.

To give you the ability to create even more momentum in your business, I've decided to WAIVE the 90 day in-activity rule!

That's right, anyone who you've ever enrolled at any time, no matter how long they've been in-active, can re-activate their account by simply paying their $49.95 monthly tuition! Just have them call in to our corporate office at (972) 578-2109 or you can call in on their behalf with their credit card details.

This allows them to receive ALL of the WorldVentures products for only $49.95 saving them $300!

This has NEVER been done before so be sure to call your in-active members because May is Re-Activation month!

I'm more excited than I've ever been about our future together. To be able to take our 100,000+ Success University students and combine them with WorldVentures 100,000 members is going to create a tremendous amount of momentum that will ROCK the network marketing industry.

Not only will we now double our total member count overnight, WorldVentures, prior to this agreement, has done business ONLY in the United States. They've generated $150,000,000 in sales in only 3 years doing business in only one country!

By combining forces with Success University, WorldVentures is going GLOBAL! When we merge Success University into WorldVentures, we'll be taking our top 10 countries, which makes up over 90% of our member base, and opening up WorldVentures into those markets.

There will be a number of countries we have students in that will not be ready for the June rollout. For any countries we have active students in outside of our initial group of countries, we'll be giving those students our learning center completely free! This allows those students the ability to continue to learn and be empowered while we work to open their country for doing business and enrolling new members.

WorldVentures has generated over $150 million in only 3 years so you can only imagine what they'll do by opening these new markets.

While that is huge for WorldVentures, what that means for you and your team is that we have FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE in the largest industry in the world! Because of the sheer size of the travel industry, WorldVentures is poised to become a multi-billion dollar company in the coming years. If you have teams outside the U.S., you are positioned FIRST and have the opportunity to essentially OWN that market.

If you look at companies like Amway or Herbalife, the leaders who were first to massively build as they opened international markets were the leaders that built groups of tens of thousands of people in those markets.

Over the next few years, that leader could very well be YOU!

Get excited because this combining of forces will go down in history. Those of you who capitalize on it now will be the top income earners in the next 12 months. Those who stand on the sidelines and watch (wait and see attitude) will be the ones who say 12 months from now "that COULD have been me."

Now is the time to take action. Now is the time to plug into your upline like you never have before. Now is the time to re-ignite the passion you had when you first joined the business.

We are going to build a GIANT of a company over the coming years. I've never been more excited to roll-up my sleeves to create financial freedom for thousands of people. If you decide to take action, I'll look forward to traveling the beaches of the world with you!

Franca Ibuzo

PS - I'm sure you'll have questions and I'll be sending out many more announcements over the next couple of weeks as we move forward in merging our company into WorldVentures.

PPS - To take a look at WorldVentures, you can visit their opportunity website at: (click on Step 1-3)

You can also take a look at their corporate website at:

Note: Your Success University website will be modified in May to reflect the merger. After June, you will keep your exact same Success University website (which will be co-branded), and you'll also be given World Ventures websites.

PPPS - Be sure to get with your upline Executive Director so they can fill you in on additional details and any events or calls they'll be doing this month.

Personal development and business building LIVE EVENTS every single month!

We've had a number of leadership meetings, including over 500 people in London, and never in the history of our company have I seen so much excitement and enthusiasm.

Here are a few facts…

Not only will Success University continue our personal development offering through our learning center technology, we will now be holding personal development and business building LIVE EVENTS every single month!

We will be moving into a 38,000 square foot office right up the road from our current office!

Our weekly binary cap will go from $10,000 per week to $25,000 per week!
(That's $1,000,000 per year in weekly earning potential alone!)

Cycles will go from approx. $30 now to $100 in June!
(Over 3 times more weekly income!)

Anyone who cycles 3 or more times in a week will earn $200 cycles!
(Over 6 1/2 times more weekly income!)

Those earning $90 per week will now be earning $600/wk!
Those earning $300 per week will now be earning $2,000/wk!
Those earning $750 per week will now be earning $5,000/wk!
Those earning $1,500 per week will now be earning $10,000/wk!
Those earning $3,000 per week will now be earning $20,000/wk!
This is a higher weekly payout than
ANY other network marketing company!
Our monthly binary cap will go from $40,000 per month to $50,000 per month!
You will now have the opportunity to earn a $1,500 CAR BONUS!
You will now have the opportunity to earn a $3,000 HOUSE BONUS!
When you enroll 6 active customers your monthly fees will be WAIVED!
Now that you know a few of these exciting facts, let me share with you a few more details…

About 3 years ago, my mentor in network marketing, Wayne Nugent, started a company with his business partner Mike Azcue that has done over $150 million in sales in the past 3 years:

Year 1 = $15,000,000
Year 2 = $50,000,000
Year 3 = $100,000,000
Not only has Wayne's company become one of the fastest growing companies in the history of network marketing, they are holding events that are perhaps the most transformational events in the personal development industry.

Through their transformational events, they are becoming a GIANT in the world of personal development which fits perfectly with the Success University business model.

Based on the POWER of these events and because I believe they align perfectly with the vision of Success University to create a positive shift in the world, I've decided to combine forces with his company which I believe will allow us to become one of the largest companies in the network marketing industry.

That, I'm sure, sounds like an incredibly bold claim but when you understand the FACTS, I think you'll come to agree with me and will be more excited than you ever have about your future with us.

You see, the company we're going to be combining forces with is the fastest growing network marketing company in the world in the LARGEST industry in the world…

Before I tell you what that industry is, let me ask you a couple questions…

What IF…

You could keep everything you have now with Success University
and for NO ADDITIONAL COST, receive more than DOUBLE the value?

What IF…

The WORLD could become your classroom?

What IF…

You could travel the world and be empowered with a community of
several hundred other like-minded success driven entrepreneurs?

What IF…

You could actually earn these trips for FREE?

You may have guessed it by now…

The largest industry in the entire world is TRAVEL!

Not only is it the largest industry in the world, it's also the #1 DREAM in the world…

USA Today did a study years ago asking over 1,000 people if they won the lottery tomorrow, what would they do?

#1 answer by far - TRAVEL!

Franca Ibuzo