Monday 23 March 2009

Top Ten Ways to Gain 2 Hours a Day or More!
When you gain 2 hours a day, that is 14 hours a week and a whopping 728 hours a year, or 18.2 workweeks!

Take a look at the list below and implement a few ? if not all ? of them and see how much time you gain this week and how much more you accomplish! (Note: The time saved listed is per day! They are also very conservative estimates.)

1. Turn off the TV. We may as well start with the easy one.
The average person watches 3 hours a day. So turn it off for one of those hours. Do something else instead. Read a book.
Better yet, start writing your book! Time saved ? 1 hour.

2. Group your projects together. Do all your email at once or make all your calls at once. Starting and stopping wastes a lot of time. Time saved ? 15 minutes.

3. Don?t answer the phone. Let it go to voice mail. Then, at a set time, listen to the voice mail, delete liberally, and write down the information on a pad to call back when it is best for you. Talk to them only about the issue at hand.
Time saved ? 30 minutes. Another 30 if you count the telemarketers you avoid.

4. Get up 15 minutes earlier. Go to bed 15 minutes later. If your alarm goes off every day at 6 am, make it 5:45. Now I am not saying to deprive yourself of the necessary and needed sleep your body requires to function properly; but if you can, try the 15 minutes and see what you can accomplish with those extra minutes. Time saved ? 30 minutes!

5. Enroll in what Zig Ziglar calls ?Automobile University.?
I have a friend who always has the best cd?s with him. He listens to about ten hours of great material a week, all while in the car. Time saved ? 1 hour.
6. Cut your lunch short. Shave 15 minutes off of it. Side
benefit: You?ll lose weight without the dessert! Time saved ? 15 minutes.

7. Hire an assistant. Let him or her do the smaller tasks like answering email, copying, screening calls and filing. Time saved ? 1 hour.

8. Focus. Different people are distracted by different things. Whatever it is that distracts you, cut it out. Tune it out and lock in like a laser on your work. You will save time and your work will be better! Time saved ? 30 minutes.

9. Shift your work hours to include time when others aren?t at the office. Being there alone will help you stay on task, and you will be shocked at how much you get done. Time saved ? 15 minutes.

10. Plan. Spend 15 minutes a day planning your day to work on the most important tasks in the most efficient way. You will lose 15 minutes but gain an hour. Total saved ? 45 minutes.

Total if you do them all: 6 hours a day of time saved, improved focus and a dramatic increase in productivity!

If you will just implement a few of these ? those that work best for you ? you will see a dramatic improvement in your time management and productivity. I guarantee it!

To your success,

Franca Ibuzo

How we can put more hours into our days.
1. Delegating. As we review our priorities as we did a few weeks ago, we see there are certain things we should spend more time on and certain things we should spend less time on. It is all a matter of managing our priorities. It is also a matter of playing to our strengths or acting on our natural giftedness.

Two thoughts: one, you should be doing the things that will make you successful. You should hire out or delegate anything that does not fit into that goal of taking your life and work to the next level. For example: If you are a person who makes money as an accountant, you should spend your time doing accounting. For this you might make $75 an hour. You should not spend your time doing filing. Hire someone for $15 an hour to do the filing. Let?s assume there would be two hours of such things in an accountant?s office.
That means you make $150 but spend $30, which is $120 a day and $600 a week. That is $31,200 a year!

Secondly, delegating allows you to work in the areas you are strongest. This will help you finish more quickly, with more quality and in a much better mood than if you are spending time working on things you are not very good at. Spending time on your weaknesses creates discouragement and causes you to be less efficient. Instead: delegate it! You will find a lot more time for the good things in life when you do.

2. Skill improvement. Every time you improve your skills in something you are saving time. If you learn to read faster, you can get that report read in shorter time (and hopefully with better retention). If you learn to type better, the reports are written faster and with fewer mistakes. If you learn to communicate more clearly, your meetings will finish sooner. You get the point: If you can do things better, you will also do them more quickly ? or you will be able to do more in the same period of time. Either way you come out a winner!

3. Single-tasking and multi-tasking. Be clear on this. There is a time to single-task and a time to multi-task. There are certain tasks that can be done while you do something else and others you should devote your full attention solely to what you are doing.

Good times to multi-task: When you can do one thing passively and one thing with focus. Case in hand, many people on the east coast will ride the train into the cities to get to work. During their travel time (passive) they can also work on reports or get their reading done (focus) for the day. With wireless technology ever increasing, many people do all of their email during their commute to and from work.

Good times to single-task: Anytime you need to focus. There are times that you will just need to be ruthless about distractions. First of all, you will find that you get the work done sooner. Secondly, you will find that the work is done better. Anything that requires detail is a good time to single-task. And as the old saying goes, "Haste makes waste." And in our case here, not focusing will end up costing you more time--thus being inefficient--in the long run. So pre-determine those tasks that require single focus and then do it!

4. Improved focus. Focus is a matter of discipline. It is the ability and willingness to let everything else fall away while you set your mind solely on the matter at hand. It is an incredible way to gain more time. So many hours are lost in the work world to employees (and owners!) who never force themselves to focus. Instead they come and go from their work, letting their minds wander and allow themselves to be pulled from one task to another. You know the guy: there he is working at what he needs to accomplish and then he remembers that he hasn?t called his mother lately. So he does. Then he needs a drink of water so he goes to the water cooler. There he sees the sales manager and they shoot the breeze about golf last weekend. Twenty minutes later he goes back in his office and decides that it's time for an early lunch? On and on until the end of the day when he says, ?I didn?t get a thing done today!? Focus!

Learn how to set aside distractions and put all of your energy, thought and work into accomplishing the goal. That is focus. Do not let anything take you away from it. As you focus, you will see that you accomplish more in less time and with better results.

5. Working ?smarter? rather than longer. You should make it your goal to work fewer hours by working more efficiently.

Anyone can establish their work in such a way that they can walk out of the office at a pre-determined time and go home to eat dinner with their family. I do not know a person alive who couldn?t work more efficiently and thus work shorter periods of time if they worked smarter. What constitutes smarter? Here is the short list: be directed by goals, ruthless against distractions, work from a prioritized task list, be focused and disciplined, delegate, and budget the time you have to get what you need done, done.

6. Applying time management skills. Think about the hundreds of millions of dollars ? maybe even billions of dollars ? that have been spent on time management seminars. Whole companies that generate 50 million dollars a year have been built just on time management tools, products and seminars.
And yet most people are very inefficient with their time.
Why is this? Because of one simple problem--they do not apply the truths they learn. The key is application.

There are ways to gain hours in your day. There are ways to become more efficient. You can manage and use your time to become everything that you desire to be and have everything you desire to have.

We are drawing to a close now with our month on time management. As I have mentioned before, time is our most precious asset. Every day is a new day--yesterday is gone, so do everything within your power to make each day the best it can be so you can live out of your values and priorities.

Yours in Success,

Franca Ibuzo

Time Management

1. Developing a Philosophy of Time Management - Establishing your priorities and values. As important as the "how's" are, the "why's" are first and foremost. Because here's what's interesting, the "why's" are the force that pull us towards our dreams and that in turn determines the "how's". So first we will take a look at the philosophy of time management, and then how to determine our priorities based on the values that we believe in and hold in the highest place. We discussed these things two weeks ago.

2. Creating a Proactive Schedule - Allocating time based on your unique priorities and values. Once you know why you are managing your time and know the priorities and values you strive for, then it is important to understand where you currently spend your time and how to strategically budget for maximum performance. You see, something will always master and something will always serve. Either you run the day or it runs you. We took a deeper look into this aspect of time management in last week's edition.
3. Breaking Through Barriers - Eliminating time wasters and overcoming procrastination. Many folks know what to do, but it is often the things we shouldn't spend our time on that get us off track. And here's what we need to be watchful of:
don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked out by being busy, but the key question is: Busy doing what? This week we will look at how to overcome procrastination and eliminate time wasters.

4. How to Gain More Time - We'll talk about time management pointers on how to add 1-2 hours a day through delegating, skill improvement, multi-tasking and improved focus. These are things that anyone can do to add more time to their day.

Yes, there are only 24 hours in each day, but we can maximize those hours by working "smarter" rather than longer, and employing other skills along with our time management.

To your success,

Franca Ibuzo

The Top Three Time Wasters
1. Television. Yes, the old one-eyed monster. Now, before you write this off, saying, "Chris, I just don't watch much TV," let me have you do a short exercise. Think about how much TV you watch. Go through each day, from Sunday to Saturday. For example: Sunday (one hour on Meet the Press, 3 hours for football). Monday (Half hour morning show, one hour news, half hour sitcom), etc. Add it up. Be honest! Do you know what I found was the average amount of television watched per week in rooms full of "busy professional people who didn't watch much TV?" 20 Hours!

Now think about this. That is 1,000 hours a year or 25 full work weeks! What could you accomplish if you had an extra 25 work weeks a year?

So, how can you overcome this time waster? Here are a few

Get rid of the TV. Yes, that is exactly what I said. I did just that on January 1st, 1989, and have never looked back.
When people ask me how I get so much done I simply tell them that I have 1,000 hours a year more than they do!

At the very least, cut back on your TV viewing. Be proactive and take control of how much you watch. Budget your time.
Cut some shows out (believe me, most shows can be cut out and your life won't suffer!).

2. Telephone calls. The phone is what I call the "great interrupter". There is this very weird, almost magical effect that a ringing phone has: Like pre-programmed zombies, we "must" answer it. Try something the next time you have someone in your office and the phone rings. Just keep talking as though you don't hear it. Watch the person you are with nervously look over at the phone and then back at you before finally asking, "Do you want to answer that?"
Even though it would take away from them, they expect you to answer the phone!

The fact is that you do not have to answer a ringing phone.
Especially in this day and age of voice mail, you can let the phone ring through and schedule a time at regular intervals to return important calls (one side benefit is you will be amazed at how much time you save by not having to work your way off the phone with unsolicited sales calls).

How can you avoid wasting time on the phone? Here are a few

Don't always answer it. 'Nough said.

Schedule your calls into time frames. Make all of your calls during regularly scheduled times. This will keep you from "spur of the moment" calls that distract you.

Know before you call what you want to talk about, talk about it, and then get off the phone. When you call someone, say, "Hi there, I wanted to talk to you about XYZ." Then talk about it. When you are done, say, "Well, I know you are busy and I have some things to get done too, so I'll let you go."
Bingo - you're off the phone!
3. Email. Email is the new phone. Except much worse. Why? A few reasons. Some of it is spam, but the main reason is because people can't type as fast as they can talk. Many times when someone writes me an email that I know will take a long response, I either call them or write an email that says, "Call me. It would be better to talk about this."

Another reason is just the volume of email we get. And the forwarded jokes from your aunt in Omaha. Just sorting through this takes time. (By the way, the best way to get off of Aunt Margaret's email list is to politely ask. Just tell her that you are trying to cut down on email and ask if she will take you off the list. It works! I did it with my own mother and she still talks to me!)

Some ideas for cutting out email time wasting:

Schedule email reading and responding. Depending on how much you get each day, maybe you do it once per day, maybe three times. You don't have to jump every time the inbox chimes!

Be ruthless about what is important. Not everything is.
Delete it and move on. Especially delete anything from Aunt Margaret that says, "Fw: Very funny - you will love this!"


Franca Ibuzo

Thursday 12 March 2009

Personal Development and Entrepreneurialism

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